October 2015

Scoot Rexburg: 24 hour Rental for $13! OR, Rent for the rest of the semester for $2.75/day!

Have you ever wanted to ride on an Airwheel Electric Unicycle? Well now’s your chance with Scoot Rexburg! You can get a great deal on renting one of their scooters for the day or the rest of the semester!

For 1 full week, mention this Dealio and get a full 24 hour rental for $13! OR, Student special: Rent for the rest of semester for $2.75 per day! Call 208-206-8952 or visit www.scootrexburg.com.

Find them on Social Media at www.facebook.com/scootrexburginstagram.com/scoot_rexburg, & twitter.com/scootrexburg.