February 2014

Rexburg D.A.R.E. Program: WIN a Polaris RZR 800

The Rexburg D.A.R.E. Program is giving away a Polaris RZR 800 to one lucky raffle winner! For every $20 you donate you receive 1 ticket, and donating $100 gets you 6 tickets! The winner will be drawn during the last Home Playoff game of the Madison Bobcats varsity basketball team (You do not need to be present to win, but hurry because time is running out)!

WIN a Polaris RZR 800! Receive 1 ticket for every $20 donated, $100 gets you 6 tickets! Donate online at www.rexburgpolice.com, or in person at Madison home games and the Rexburg Police Department on Main Street.