August 3, 2019

Business Lunch & Learn: Learn how to reach BYU-Idaho Students!

Have you ever wondered how to capture the attention of students in a city that is always changing every 14 weeks? You are not alone! On Wednesday, August 7th, 2019, we have the honor of hearing from five different speakers who will explain how they found success after marketing in a college town. The event will cover topics such as social media, rules and regulations of advertising on the BYU-Idaho Campus, Experience Rexburg, marketing techniques from the point of view of a student, and the creation of on-the-spot marketing plans for individual businesses. Lunch will be provided as these topics are conversed. Please arrive at 11:45 a.m. to get food and network before the speakers start presenting.

Speakers include:
Brett Sampson: University Public Affairs Director
Stephanie Tarnasky: Owner of Olive Ave
Brian Epperson: Owner of Target River
Kiley Lee: BYU-Idaho Communication Student
Chamber of Commerce Representative

The event will take place at The Avenues, 859 South Yellowstone Hwy #1001-1003. Come connect and network with people in Rexburg and individuals from BYU-Idaho.

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