"Having a Bachelors degree in Dietetics and being a Certified Personal Trainer, I have created many healthy and delicious freezer to crock-pot meals. Sliced Pepper offers one public class to attend per month where you come and prepare 10 delicious freezer to crock-pot meals in less than 2 hours and you do NO clean up. I offer one assembled class per month where I go in an do all the work and you come pick up your meals. OR set up a private class (my most popular option) for a fun night out. All you need is 10 people, you get to choose any 10 meals from my website to prepare and you pick your own date. I accommodate gluten free, dairy free, diabetic, cardiac, and other diet restrictions or allergies."
Get $5 off any set of meals when you use the code "dealio" at checkout on www.slicedpepper.com! Please see website for class times and locations or send Kendra an email at slicedpepper.kendra@gmail.com for more information.