Heavens Best Service Group is running a Valentine's special this week! Call this week through 2/12/16 to get your ventilation system cleaned by Heaven’s Best for only $10 per air vent. You can have clean ducts, with less dust settling on furniture, and healthier air in your home! Dryer vents are only $40 and help prevent a dryer fire from starting. Plus, this week’s special for upholstery cleaning is a three-cushion sofa for only $89, love seat for $79, and chair for $39. Call 356-8805 or 524-0140 and mention the Dealio!
Heavens Best Service Group V-Day Specials!
-Duct cleaning $10 per duct & $40 dryer vent.
-$89 for Sofa, $79 for Love Seat, & $39 for Chair.
-Call 208-356-8805 or 208-524-0140 and Mention The DealioRexburg Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/HBRexburg
Idaho Falls Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/HBIdahoFallsID