June 13, 2013

New York Burrito: $.99 Wrap w/ Purchase of Large Wrap

It takes very little to convince me to dine at the corner restaurant of New York Burrito. Their delicious and fresh flavors keep me coming back often, but with a Dealio like today's you'll find me racing in.

$.99 Wrap with purchase of a regular priced large wrap


Envision Madison Kick-off Meeting Tonight

"We are living in a wonderful time and place. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to participate in shaping the future of Madison County."
- Kim Clark (BYU-I President)

Tonight is the first of several community meetings to gather public opinion on the direction and future of Madison County. Please plan to attend at the Madison High School Auditorium beginning at 7PM this evening (June 13, 2013).

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