February 22, 2013

The Zone: Grand Opening Tomorrow

We typically feature places to get a delicious bite to eat, but today we wanted to feature something that will help burn off some of the goods we eat. We're excited about the opening of a brand new training & event center on the North end of town called The Zone, and tomorrow is the grand opening.

Head in between 10am-2pm and participate in all their activities including:
Basketball & Baseball competitions (free throws & batting cages)
18 vendors attending their health fair.
Canned-goods drive
275 Stationery Road Rexburg

Find more information on their Facebook page


Teton CrossFit: $50 off 8 Week Training Course

A special course made with brides-to-be in mind, Teton CrossFit wants to help you slim up, look and feel your best for the big day.

Join their 8-week Bridal Boot Camp course and shed 10 lbs fast.
Enroll for $150 (reg. $200)
Phone (208) 351-3410 | Website Teton CrossFit

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