I usually put some effort into coming up with something clever to say about each day's Dealio, but I'm just going to let the price speak for itself.
1/2 Sandwich, Fries & Drink
You rarely see a price so low for a meal, let alone a meal from a restaurant as universally loved and praised for their flavor. Give yourself and loved ones the gift of Blister's BBQ this winter's eve'n. The infamous Tri-Tip Sandwich is also available for $4.75 for those with slightly larger appetites.
Applebee's United Way Fundraiser
The Holiday Season prompts us to reflect on the abundant blessings we are afforded and leaves us mindful of those less fortunate than ourselves. Applebee's in Rexburg is sponsoring a Flap Jack Fundraiser on Saturday morning (Dec 8th, 8am-10am) to benefit The United Way.
This is a great opportunity to give to a deserving organization, all while filling yourself up on the rarest meal of all, breakfast. If you ask for The Dealio, they'll even knock $1 off individual prices, or $5 for the family price.