It's date night, and nothing rounds off a romantic evening quite like custard or pretzels at BRC's. Conveniently enough they're having a Buy one, get one free on both today.
BOGO on pretzels
BOGO on 2 scoops of custard
Rexburg's Farmers Market
As is the nature of a Farmer's Market, we have a bundle of Dealios from several of the vendors. Give them a look and help support Rexburg's local businesses!
El Elote Loco: buy one Mexican Crazy Corn get a free ticket to the "Wild Adventure Corn Maze"
CWT Produce: 15lb box of potatoes $6 (reg. $11.25) 50 lb box $15 (reg. 37.50) and 10% off all vegetable purchases over $10
The Fruitful Nut: Buy one bag of nuts get the second 50% off